Are You Dehydrated?


Prior to studying nutrition, I never knew the power of water. I have said it many times, our bodies have such a delicate balance, but especially when it comes to water.

I was in Australia modeling a couple years ago and I woke up one morning to a point of dehydration that almost, and probably should have, landed me in the hospital. I couldn’t even drink water, I tried, but felt sick, it was bad. My roommate brought me a local sports drink which completely healed me after many tiny sips throughout the day, but I couldn’t move for the most part without blacking out or feeling nauseous. Needless to say, I never want to feel like that again. I am sharing about water because I don’t want you to either.

Water plays huge roles in the body:

To name a few, appetite, digestion, weight loss, joints, bodily functions, body temp, helping your body fight a virus… I mean name a body part or function, and it probably needs water.

Where to get water?

Your body needs straight up water, but there are other things that can offer some hydration. Things like, an IV, some raw fruits and vegetables, eggs, cooked legumes or grains, sports drinks, tea, juice, electrolytes, and more.

Don’t like water?

I know the feeling, but no problem. Yes, you still need to drink water, but you can infuse it with fruit, flavored drops, or powders — some powders even have nutrients. My boyfriend Jason recently discovered one he loves that is full of nutrients called 8 Greens.

How much water do I need a day?

Unless your doctor says otherwise, here is a formula, based on my Precision Nutrition handbook, that will calculate how much water you, yes you, because everyone is different, needs per day. Please check with your doctor first if you have any pre-existing complications with water.

Bodyweight in kg x 30-40ml (I do 35ml) divided by 1,000ml = liters of water you should have in a day. To get the number of cups you need of water in a day, multiply the sum above by 4.23.

NOTE: This number varies when it comes to things like climate, season, alcohol, caffeine, exercise, salty foods, and such.

How to practice drinking more water:

When my clients are working on water intake, we decide together what might work best for them, and how much they should be drinking a day. The technique I have found to work the best for my clients and myself is carrying a water bottle or glass around throughout the day. It is a great reminder to drink it, and when it’s empty it becomes a natural thing to listen to your body and just refill it. Other clients may choose to have a water tally sheet or diary, where they record how much water they have during the day. Whatever works for you.


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